American Idol voting starts before the show begins in January 2014, as the original star-making series calls on fans to select the official tagline for American Idol XIII. The American dream inspires every American Idol contestant. So, which tagline will inspire fans the most? Fans may choose one of four taglines and cast their vote(s) at, via Twitter and on Facebook. Voting begins today and continues through next Monday, Oct. 14, at 11:59 PM PT, with the winning tagline revealed during the American Idol marketing campaign.
Fans may vote for The Following taglines:
Fans can make their votes count by visiting or the American Idol Facebook page at To vote via Twitter, fans may vote by tweet, using their favorite tagline's hashtag, including: 1) #IdolListen for "Listen to their dreams come true"; 2) #IdolMillion for "A million different stories. One powerful dream"; 3) #IdolStory for "Every story is different. The dream is the same"; and 4) #IdolSearch for "The search for a superstar."
The American Idol XIII judging panel of Harry Connick, Jr., Jennifer Lopez and Keith Urban, along with host Ryan Seacrest, is midway through the audition process, sending lucky hopefuls through to Hollywood. Next up are auditions in Detroit, MI; Omaha, NE; San Francisco, CA and Atlanta, GA.
American Idol is produced by 19 Entertainment, a division of Core Media Group, and FremantleMedia North America. The series is created and executive-produced by Simon Fuller, CEO, XIX Entertainment. Cecile Frot-Coutaz, FremantleMedia; Trish Kinane, FremantleMedia North America; and Per Blankens, FremantleMedia North America, and Jesse Ignjatovic and Evan Prager, for CORE Media Group, serve as executive producers.