The Fred Entertainment Agency is very pleased to announce that Vince Mira has just released "True Love", the first single from his forthcoming full length El Radio (out May 12th.) Find "True Love" right here: Discovered busking at the famous Pike Place Market in 2005, within a few short years Mira would perform live on both THE ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW and GOOD MORNING AMERICA - at the age of fifteen. Then, as sometimes happens, life got in the way and he retired. Mira, though, was born a writer, and immersed in music from an early age. "I first learned to play Bolero music," explains Mira. "It's trio music, Mexican slow jams. They all sing and play guitar. My mom would sit me down and make me sing all of these songs she loved in Spanish. Little by little I learned them by heart." Immersed in the joys of home, Mira's creative urge found its outlet in poetry. At the same time, Mira began tentatively playing the guitar again, just for enjoyment, writing just to write, from a place of pure creative expression.Videos