MWM Interactive (MWMi), a leading creator of story-driven VR and interactive entertainment, today released "Chained: A Victorian Nightmare," a virtual reality retelling of Charles Dickens' classic "A Christmas Carol," on Steam and HTC Vive. "Chained" is the perfect dark and creepy holiday story to dive into during the festive season, complete with stunning visuals and ghostly apparitions.
Watch a trailer below!
Confront your past, present and future in a bone-chilling journey of self-discovery. "Chained" is now available for $5.99 on:
The immersive adaptation is faithful to the chilling, moody atmosphere of the classic novel. Previously available as a location-based immersive experience to sold-out audiences in Los Angeles and New York City, this version transports audiences to an eerie Victorian London setting within the comfort of their home.
"Chained" is created and directed by Justin Denton, maker of the immersive 'Legion' experience at San Diego Comic-Con 2017, and executive produced by MWMi's EVP of Content Ethan Stearns.
"This version of 'Chained' takes the visually beautiful, atmospheric feeling of the installation and distills it into an experience audiences can have from the comfort of their home," said MWMi EVP of Content Ethan Stearns. "Our hope for 'Chained' is to create an immersive theater experience at home through the power of virtual reality."
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