Made in Mexico follows the lives of nine well-to-do socialites, revealing the flawed lives of the seemingly perfect elite. They are passionate, unapologetically real, fashionable and sophisticated, and know how to set trends in one of the world's most culturally vibrant cities, where family name is your bond and legacy is everything. The Netflix series debuts globally on September 28th.
Cast for the upcoming series includes: Carlos Girón Longoria, Chantal Trujillo, Columba Díaz, Hanna Jaff, Kitzia Mitre, Liz Woodburn, Pepe Díaz , Roby Checa and Shanik Aspe.
About the series
Get to know the opulent lifestyles and famous families of Mexico City's socialites and the expats vying for a spot in their exclusive social order.
The show is produced by Love Productions USA and includes Richard McKerrow, Kevin Bartel and Brandon Panaligan as executive producers and Lauren Volonakis and Matthew Moul as co-executive producers.
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