A long time ago in a cookies and milky way galaxy far, far away...Princess Parfaita was taken prisoner by the evil Galactic Empire and had to be saved by a group of unlikely heroes including the young Luke Piewalker, Flan Solo, and Chewie the Cookie.
Below, check out the gang from SESAME STREET as they parody 'Star Wars' in 'Star S'Mores!'
You can catch SESAME STREET in the morning and the afternoon, weekdays on PBS.
For more fun games and videos for your preschooler in a safe, child-friendly environment, visit us at http://www.sesamestreet.orgSesame Street is a production of Sesame Workshop, a nonprofit educational organization. The Workshop produces SESAME STREET programs, seen in over 150 countries, and other acclaimed shows, including The Electric Company. Beyond television, the Workshop produces content for multiple media platforms on a wide range of issues including literacy and numeracy, emotional wellbeing, health and wellness, and respect and understanding. Learn more at http://www.sesamestreet.org.Videos