The series is hosted by Mike "The Miz" Mizanin.
The family-friendly water-based competition series, hosted by WWE Superstar Mike "The Miz" Mizanin and Rocsi Diaz, features contestants from all across America facing off in stunts such as sliding off a 7-story waterslide to rocketing off one of the world's fastest drop towers, contestants will battle a variety of water obstacles to win a $10K cash prize. Reality TV has been edgier than ever this summer and this next-level water-based competition series perfect for summer viewing for the whole family.
Watch the trailer for "Cannonball" below!
Watch contestants from all across America face off in one of the biggest, wettest, slippery-est water sports competition ever created. From sliding off a 100-foot waterslide to rocketing off one of the world's fastest drop towers, Cannonball contestants will battle a variety of water obstacles to win a $10K cash prize.