With two Oscars and four Golden Globes under his belt, Tom Hanks now stars in “Inferno,” the latest thriller in the film franchise that began with “The Da Vinci Code.” The actor stopped by this morning's TODAY to discuss film's picturesque locations and talk about guest-hosting “Saturday Night Live” over the weekend, describing how the third presidential debate provided fodder for the show. Watch the appearance below!
NBC News pioneered the morning news program when it launched TODAY in 1952 with Dave Garroway as host. For more than 60 years, TODAY has provided a daily live broadcast of the latest in domestic and international news, weather reports, and interviews with newsmakers from the worlds of politics, business, media, entertainment and sports.
TODAY is renowned for providing its audience with a “window on the world,” bringing viewers breaking news as it happens and often broadcasting from locations around the globe. TODAY’s longtime home at New York’s Rockefeller Plaza attracts thousands of visitors each year to peer into its windows and become part of TODAY’s broadcast. The Emmy Award winning program is anchored by Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker and Natalie Morales. Don Nash is the executive producer.