Stephen Colbert stopped by last night's LATE NIGHT WITH Jimmy Fallon on NBC to chat about his sister Elizabeth Colbert-Busch's run for Congress in South Carolina. The Comedy Central host revealed that will be hosting a fundraiser for her this weekend at a bowling alley in South Carolina. "We're going to raise money in the bowling alley because we're of the people,"he joked. Check out the clip below!
"It's natural for her to run because she has the skills and something to offer society," said Colbert, adding "She's an incredible person. She raised three kids by herself on a salary of like $14,000 a year, then she went to college, made something of herself and now she's going to be the Democratic nominee from South Carolina. Isn't that incredible?"
Later in the show, the two hosts settled their long-standing friendly rivalry by singing a duet of of the classic song "Ivory and Ivory."