The groundbreaking Showtime documentary event series Years of Living Dangerously moves to a new time slot on Monday nights beginning this Monday, May 12 at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Get a sneak peek at the all-new episode below!
In this week's episode, actress Olivia Munn profiles climate-conscious governor Jay Inslee of Washington State, and together they discuss the issues he's faced since being elected. Meanwhile, New York Times columnist Mark Bittman probes New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on the topic of man-made climate change during the rebuilding of his state's coastline post-Superstorm Sandy.
Also, as part of the recently announced Showtime free preview weekend beginning Friday May 9, viewers nationwide can sample the first four episodes of the docu-series via Showtime On Demand® and Showtime ANYTIME®.
Years of Living Dangerously explores human impact of climate change. This innovative docu-series is a collaboration between some of Hollywood's biggest stars and leading national news journalists, who provide reports of people affected by and seeking solutions to climate change. Correspondents includeJessica Alba, Mark Bittman, Don Cheadle, Matt Damon, America Ferrara, Harrison Ford, Thomas Friedman, Michael C. Hall, Chris Hayes, Olivia Munn, M. Sanjayan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ian Somerhalder and Lesley Stahl.
Each correspondent delves into a different impact of climate change - from the damage wrought by Superstorm Sandy in the Tri-state area to political upheaval caused by droughts in the Middle East to the dangerous level of carbon emissions resulting from deforestation. The project portrays the current and intensifying effects of climate change on everyday Americans and demonstrate how they can take action and be part of the solution. Years of Living Dangerously combines the blockbuster storytelling styles of Hollywood's top movie makers, including James Cameron and Jerry Weintraub, with 60 Minutes® producers Joel Bach and David Gelber's reporting expertise to reveal critical stories of heartbreak, hope and heroism as the race to save the planet continues.