On the next episode of ABC's ONCE UPON A TIME titled "Broken Heart", there's nothing worse than a vengeful pirate with dark magic. Once Upon a Time is all new in two weeks - Sunday November 29th on ABC. Get a sneak peek below!
Master storytellers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz ("Lost," "Tron: Legacy") invite everyone to join the members of Storybrooke as they try to discover why Zelena wants Snow White's baby. The battle between evil and wicked continues as Henry's life is threatened. Will Glinda be able to save them?
"Once Upon a Time" stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen/Regina, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Colin O'Donoghue as Hook, Michael Raymond-James as Baelfire/Neal Cassidy, Jared S. Gilmore as Henry Mills andRobert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold. Rebecca Mader guest stars as Zelena.