The web series "My Gay Roommate" follows the relationship between two roommates -- one who is gay and one who is straight. In the most recent episode, Tony Award winner Wilson Jermaine Heredia reprises his role as 'Angel' from RENT with a fun cameo appearance in an imagination sequence. Check it out below!
This episode of MGR stars Noam Ash as Nick Cohen, Drew Paramore as Ed Kleiner and Matthew Lieff Christian as The Cowboy, featuring Melis Aker as The Princess, Scot Renz as The Monster, and, of course, Wilson Jermaine Heredia as Angel.
"My Gay Roommate" is now in its third season. Co-created by Noam Ash and Austin Bening and written by Noam Ash, Austin Bening and Samuel Korda, the series is poduced by Addison O'Donnell and directed by Austin Bening.Videos