The official trailer for the forthcoming documentary short BEACH 119 has just been released - check it out below!
The Beach 119th Street Angels group was founded by Marcie Allen and Jessica Beutler, who directed the documentary to give these families a voice during the aftermath of the storm. Since Superstorm Sandy, Allen and her team have raised over $100,000 in the form of Home Depot gift certificates that were used to purchase generators, heaters, kitchen appliances, and cleaning supplies for families in need, Boston Market Gift Certificates that provided Thanksgiving meals for 560 people, and other donations including a truck of Gatorade and Propel product from Pepsico.
The documentary short chronicles one street's recovery while elsewhere everything is back to normal. Just 23.8 miles away from Manhattan, on Beach 119th Street in The Rockaways, neighbors joined together to deal with the trauma associated with cherished possessions lost. The residents were cut off from help with no power, water, gasoline or heat, for weeks after the storm. The documentary explores the story of the residents of Beach 119th Street coming together as a tribe of real life survivors, thankful to those who answered their pleas for help.
"I really like the idea of telling the story," said local resident Cynthia. "Everyone it touched experienced so many levels of emotion. We were in shock, denial, bewildered, sad, cold, wet, hungry, lost."