In the aftermath of Monday's election, late night hosts opened their shows by offering their opinions on the outcome and what it means for America's future. Check out opening monologues from various late night shows:
Conan invokes the great political thinkers while trying to make sense of the 2016 presidential election:
Seth takes a moment to talk about the results of the 2016 presidential election and what a Donald Trump presidency could mean for the nation.
Samantha Bee offers: We've been through all the stages of grief in the past 24 hours. Next up: nasty women assemble.
Stephen Colbert suggests: "Don't move to Canada just yet?"
With Donald Trump now president-elect, James Corden reflects on the election season and focuses on the future, reminding Americans what makes their country great.
Following the election results, some people were shocked, despondent and even crying. But that is natural. Everyone goes through this sort of thing at some point and Jimmy Kimmel thought it might be helpful to take you through what they call the five stages of grief.