The Kicker, the new sports comedy website from Above Average and Bryan Tucker, the co-head writer of SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE has released an all-new episode of SPORTS...THE MUSICAL? titled "The SUPER BOWL Hot Take Mixtape". Watch it below!
The five-episode Sports...The Musical? series is a weekly comedic musical recap based on events in the previous week in sports. Sports...The Musical? is produced for NBC Sports Group by The Kicker, with shareable content running across NBC Sports Digital assets. With its tongue-in-cheek tagline of "An Epic Sports Musical," the series' remaining episodes will debut mid-week for the next four weeks.
A small team of professional writers, musicians, and performers spearheaded by Brian Usifer, the music director ofKinky Boots, assemble to turn the biggest sports stories from the last seven days into a 90- to 120-second song for the series. The result of these "Sportsicals," - featuring Broadway actors and singers - is a full-fledged, totally original, musical rendition. The episodes are written by David Ingber, head writer for The Kicker.
Sports...The Musical? is a part of the NBC Sports Digital Shorts portfolio of projects that are focused on producing short-form original digital content for and other NBC Sports Digital platforms.