During his visit today on Ryan Seacrest's syndicated radio show, Justin Bieber announced that his new single, the first from his upcoming album, will be titled "What Do You Mean," and will drop on Augusst 28th. Watch the interview below!
"I've been working a lot in the studio, just trying to have a consistent sound, a cohesive sound," the singer told Seacrest, adding that the creative process has been frustrating of late. "I had a rough week last week. I get in my head sometimes, and sometimes I just don't want to to get out of bed."
He went on to describe the upcoming song as "amazing." Speaking on the tune's lyrics he explains, "Girls are often flip-floppy. They say something, and then they mean something else. What do you mean? ... I don't really know, that's why I'm asking." He describes the song as, "uptempo. It's fun, it's summery," adding that the music is "along the same lines as 'Where Are U Now,'" his recent collaboration with Skrillex and Diplo.Videos