The series finale, "Over A Cliff," marks the culmination of Olivia, Mellie, Fitz and the Gladiators' journey as we know it. With the existence of B613 exposed to the world, the Gladiators make the ultimate sacrifice in order to take down Cyrus and Jake - but how far will they go to get justice?
"Scandal" stars Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope, Guillermo Diaz as Huck, Darby Stanchfield as Abby Whelan, Katie Lowes as Quinn Perkins, Tony Goldwyn as Fitzgerald Grant, Jeff Perry as Cyrus Beene, Joshua Malina as David Rosen, Bellamy Young as President Mellie Grant, Scott Foley as Jake Ballard, Joe Morton as Rowan Pope, Cornelius Smith Jr. as Marcus Walker and George Newbern as Charlie.
"Over A Cliff" was written by Shonda Rhimes and directed by Tom Verica.
"Scandal" was created by Shonda Rhimes ("Grey's Anatomy," "How to Get Away with Murder"). Shonda Rhimes, Betsy Beers ("Grey's Anatomy," "How to Get Away with Murder"), and Mark Fish are executive producers. "Scandal" is produced by ABC Studios.
Watch the new featurette below!