During last year's "Jimmy Kimmel Live: After The Oscars," the late night host debuted a trailer for "Movie: The Movie" - the biggest, most star-studded and spectacular non-existent film the world has ever seen. "Movie: The Movie" has garnered over 19 million views on YouTube and helped make last year's post-Oscar event the most successful Oscar special in JKL history.
Like most box office blockbusters, Kimmel is capitalizing on the success of "Movie: The Movie," with his highly anticipated sequel "Movie: The Movie, 2V." The newest installment of the franchise stars Jennifer Aniston, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Chastain, Jude Law and many more. This will be the next biggest, most star-studded and spectacular non-existent film
the world has ever seen. Below, check out the first promo from the Jimmy Kimmel Live After-Oscar Special!
"Jimmy Kimmel Live: After The Oscars" airs Oscar Sunday, February 24 at 10 p.m. PT or after the late local news in all other time zones.