Tom Hanks stars in Tom Tykwer's film adaptation of Dave Eggers' novel A HOLOGRAM FOR THE KING. The story is set in Saudi Arabia and follows a businessman struggling to save his home, pay his daughter's tuition and make something of his life. Eggers' book was a finalist for the National Book Award and made the New York Times bestseller list. Check out the first official trailer below!
Tony nominee and Academy Award winner Hanks made his Broadway debut in LUCKY GUY. His recent films include Bridge of Spies, Captain Phillips, Saving Mr. Banks, In the Garden of Beasts, The Lost Symbol and Toy Story 4.
His many film credits include Cloud Atlas, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Larry Crowne, the Toy Story franchise, Angels & Demons, Charlie Wilson's War, The Da Vinci Code, Cars, The Polar Express, The Terminal, Catch Me If You Can, Road to Perdition, Cast Away, The Green Mile, You've Got Mail, Saving Private Ryan, Apollo 13, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Sleepless in Seattle, Big and more.Videos