Next week PBS Kids kicks off the 17th season of the beloved children's animated series ARTHUR. The debut episode will features actor Alan Cumming, who voices a snooty, contest-winnning poodle Sebastian Winkleplotz. Get a first look below!
Cumming joins an impresssive list of stars who have lent their voices to the series including Matt Damon, Philip Seymour Hoffman, FrEd Rogers, Alex Trebek and Frank Gehry. The The 17th season of Arthur premieres on Nov. 11 on PBS Kids. Check your local listings for times.
A Tony Award winner for his celebrated performance as the Emcee in the long-running revival of "Cabaret," Alan Cumming's other Broadway credits include Mack the Knife in "The Threepenny Opera" and Otto in "Design for Living." He can currently be seen on CBS's The Good Wife.
Source: USA Today