Myx TV's fun fan show "Call to Cosplay," is the first ever totally cosplay-based show where contestants race against the clock to design an ensemble based on a specific theme.
On today's episode, contestants are tasked with cosplaying under the theme "beautiful women." Contestant Quinn takes a risk as a genderbent version of Mystique of Marvel Comics, while contestant Shana decides to throw together crazy and gorgeous fabrics to put together a costume as Ezra Scarlet of the anime "Fairy Tail!"
Check out the exclusive sneak peek clips below and be sure to tune in to the episode. "Call to Cosplay" premieres Tuesdays at 8/7c on Myx TV
About "Call to Cosplay"
"Call to Cosplay" combines the world of cosplay with all of the exciting elements of a competition design program. Each episode features two cosplayers competing for cash prizes. Contestants are assigned a theme, budget, mystery element and less than eight hours to create a costume.