Two Disney veterans, Aaron Blaise and Chuck Williams, are working on creating ART STORY, an animated feature film about a boy and his Grandfather's adventures through an imaginative world of famous paintings. In order to fund their next film, Blaise and Williams are turning to the popular crowdfunding site, Kickstarter, to gain awareness for "Art Story." View the Kickstarter campaign page below!
In the story, the main character, Walt, is a meticulous and focused 11-year-old boy who is always at odds with his grandfather. However, the two must work together when they become trapped in a vast, whimsical world of famous paintings - an important lesson; if we put our differences aside, we can achieve anything.
The story is structured like a hilarious, character-driven, buddy picture and teaches children about some of the greatest master paintings of all time by actually taking place inside of these paintings. The characters change their appearance to match the style of each painting, which includes "American Gothic" by Grant Wood to "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh and "Crossing the Delaware" by Emanuel Leutze.
ART STORY explores, and was inspired by, the special relationship between a grandchild and their grandparent.