YELLOW BRICK ROAD, an animated movie musical based on "The Wizard of Oz" is currently in pre-production. Christy Carlson Romano, THE VOICE of Disney's "Kim Possible" and former star of "Beauty and the Beast" and "Avenue Q" on Broadway, is among the talent already signed on, as well as Ramona Mallory, who starred in the 2009 Broadway revival of "A Little Night Music" (stepping in the role originated by her mother, Victoria Mallory).
The creative team has launched a crowdfunding campaign for the project on Indiegogo. Below, check out a video together with footage of Ramona discussing her role in the film, her Broadway background, and taking part in an animated musical.
For more visit the film's website at
Angelo Thomas, writer and co-director of "Yellow Brick Road," was interviewed on Louisville, Kentucky FOX affiliate WDRB News last week about the project and how it came about. Click here to watch