In celebration of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Nerdist Presents brings you the musical parody, "Forceloose!" Kylo Ren shows off his fancy footwork and air guitar skills while channeling a 1984 era Kevin Bacon. Special guests include two unimpressed Stormtroopers. Watch the hilarious parody below!
About FORCELOOSE: Kylo Ren is channeling 1984 era Kevin Bacon in "Forceloose" the latest pop culture musical parody from Nerdist; the same team that brought you Belle and Boujee, Stranger in My Town, and That Spidey Life. "Forceloose" recreates the quintessential cinematic combo of teen angst and dancing, only this time, Kylo Ren delivers the frustrated footwork instead of a sweaty Kevin Bacon (aka Ren McCormack. See? Perfect). The lyrics have a Star Wars upgrade too; come for the dancing Kylo, stay for the dark sided deep cuts. "Forceloose" will teach you to never hide your dark side.