Amber Rose has become one of the most sought after models and personalities in the entertainment business. The 31 year old, who recently celebrated her birthday, responded about the #StillLoveYouNoMatterWhat tweet that she sent to her soon to be "ex-husband" rap star Wiz Khalifa. "We were married and he has always been my best friend, so regardless of us not being married anymore, we still have a baby together, we still love each other, we're always going to love each other forever and that's just how it is."
She explained that she has a heart and is dealing with her emotions, just like every other human being. "A lot of people look at celebrities as robots, and like we don't have feelings. They want me to act like, who cares that I am getting a divorce, go out there and have sex with everyone. It just, dosen't work like that for me."
Rose also discussed her upcoming role in the The Sister Code and working with the cast and producers. "I play Lexi. She is rebellious and a little crazy. She's kind of lost and just really, really wants to be successful and just kind of doesn't know how to do it."
Even though there is no official release date announced for the movie, producers expect it to drop in 2015.
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