Adam Sandler shared a fourth version of his famous "Chanukah Song" while performing in San Diego last week. The comic debuted the now iconic holiday song on an episode of SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE in 1994.
The newest entry features such luminaries as Shia LaBeouf, Jared from Subway, Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Adam Levine, Scarlett Johansson, Drake, Princess Leia and animated characters from "Frozen." He also laments that controversial Subway spokesperson Jared is a Jew.
Fans of the song may recall that the original version included the like of Bruce Springsteen, Goldie Hawn, O.J. Simpson, and Spock. An updated 1999 version included Winona Ryder and Courtney Love. Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Stiller and Natalie Portman were included in the 2002 installment.