Daniel Borunda, creator and executive producer of the docu-series entitled, "America Unscripted™," is preparing for the production of a total of ten, 30 minute episodes of the forthcoming series. Production is slated for completion by the end of 2018. "America Unscripted" is described by Borunda as a "compelling, honest and unscripted television series." He plans to interview people who live in culturally diverse and politically polarized cities throughout the United States with the goal of encouraging unity and hope. According to Daniel Borunda, "The idea for the docu-series sprung out of a series of events, personal to me, which started about two years ago. It began after I had heard a pastor's message about living an epic and honorable life." Continuing, "The pastor discussed the fact that each of us is uniquely gifted to carry out a particular purpose in life, in essence living out one's destiny in a beneficial and uplifting way and how every one of us can be of service to others." The pastor discussed, "living an epic life, with "epic" defined as how it relates to each person's unique contribution that each of us is here on earth to do."
Borunda attended film school at Loyola Marymount University and UCLA. Paraphrasing Borunda, he feels compelled to reach out and uplift others utilizing his talents as a writer and producer. Stating, "I have a deep sense that I have to do something that will at least start the process of looking for solutions to the current problems we face as Americans. I want to give a voice to "all," and specifically the underserved and often marginalized sectors of our society." The individuals interviewed will be given the opportunity to discuss various "hot topics" that are important to them. Additionally, the dialogue will provide potential solutions to various pressing problems throughout the nation. "This can potentially assist in healing the nation, to inspire hope and encourage others to work together toward a more peaceful, and productive future."
According to Borunda, he will interview a wide spectrum of people to show that "despite our differences, we all share many of the same fears, hopes, and dreams, as well as the desire to live together in peace and with hope for a better future." It is also important to Borunda, as he stated in a recent interview, "to discuss issues from a wide variety of perspectives, and to bridge understanding where there may currently be a lack of understanding, and to discuss the problems that many people face in their day to day life, as well as the solutions."
"America Unscripted" is exploring a variety of distribution possibilities. It is important to the producers of "America Unscripted" that the docu-series is "truly accessible and available to the masses." When asked about which industry leaders he would like to see become involved with "America Unscripted" Borunda mentioned LeBron James, Dwayne Johnson, Taylor Swift and Jessica Alba due to the positive contributions that each of these celebrities make to society, and for the contribution that each could make to the docu-series, due to the fact that "all of these successful people support social causes and are great humanitarians."
When asked about what success looks like for "America Unscripted," Borunda summarized his vision. "Success of the docu-series would be to create programming that can work toward healing our nation and to bring a greater feeling of hope and unity for all Americans. If this occurs, I will feel that we have achieved something "epic" with an honorable purpose." And on a personal level, "I would feel that I'm living out my destiny and using my gifts and abilities to empower people to speak up in a positive way and to be more active in their communities, as each of us can bring about positive change by simply helping others in need." Those who are interested in learning more about the docu-series can reach out to Daniel Borunda at danielb@americaunscriptedtv.com. The production team of "America Unscripted" is open to discussing product placement and sponsorship opportunities. Episode one of "American Unscripted" was filmed in Southern California. Borunda concludes by stating, "I want to focus on giving all a voice, specifically those who are unheralded, often unheard, and those who feel marginalized. I want to ask important questions and then truly listen to people, as all people deserve the opportunity to be heard."