UniteWomen.org announces the kick off of its collaboration with Real Women Real Stories, a film project by Matan Uziel of Israel. The project enables women who have worked in industries, including fashion, to voice very personal experiences that left them feeling disillusioned and wanting to raise awareness.
Uziel is Ambassador Director of the National Eating Disorders Association and Planning Committee Advisor of Women Fashion & Film Festival in NYC.
After working in the fashion industry as a modelling agent for nearly seven years, Uziel felt there was a clear lack of regulations in the industry, that led to the exploitation of women, including underpaying those who work in garment factories. Uziel realized there was a conflict between his role as an agent and his role as an ambassador for the National Eating Disorders Association. Eventually it clicked for Uziel that not only was something was amiss in the industry, he felt called to devote his life to advancing the rights of women.
With Real Women Real Stories, he established a venue to hear the very personal stories from inside the fashion industry as well as other industires. "We are tired of the fluff analysis about who wears what and why. Is this what we want, to live in a world that has become far too superficial and unrealistic? I think it can be changed....The original plan was to make a film on another project, but after hours of watching the initial footage it became clear that I could not stop there - I have to do something much larger....I did not see men standing up on women's issues in a really creative way," Uziel said.
UniteWomen.org CEO Karen Teegarden appreciates the opportunity to collaborate with Uziel.
"The Real Women Real Stories short film series fits perfectly with our overall manifesto and is the ideal effort to expand the mission of UniteWomen.org's Unite Against Rape campaign," Teegarden said.
UniteWomen.org seeks to equip and empower women to use their strengths, talents, and skills to further their participation as equal, valued voices in their communities, speaking out about the inequity of women's experiences as citizens in their communities, their nations, and the world. The UniteWomen.org mission is to change the social and cultural conversation to bring about awareness of the benefits and the necessity of inclusion, providing a collective voice for women in all processes that affect their lives. UniteWomen.org's objective is to cultivate the edification of society on these issues in order to make effective change that will improve the lives of women. Achieving these goals will allow us effectively to empower women and girls to be equal, active participants in society, as well as in the political realm of our nations. A country cannot reach its highest potential until the voices of all citizens are acknowledged and manifested in a way that will positively impact the evolution of humanity.