The wildly popular Travel Channel Show "Bikinis & Boardwalks" has completed its filming in Cozumel and will be preparing an episode about the Mexican Caribbean island to air in Summer of 2014. Cozumel plays host to almost 4 million cruise ship and extended stay travelers each year and attracts its share of bikini-wearing Spring Breakers as well.
Michael Sorensen, Associate Producer with Indigo Films brought his film and production crew to Cozumel during a time that would coincide with the Cozumel Ironman race since it has an international appeal of its own that would compliment the theme of the show. Before and after the Ironman competition, filming took place all over the island including in bars, restaurants and on beaches as well as aboard dive and snorkel boats. Interviews were filmed with local business owners as well as travelers visiting Cozumel who happened to be on scene at the time of filming. received initial contact from Mr. Sorensen as he found the travel destination guide online and was very impressed with the details, knowledge and information that the website has been providing for over 10 years about Cozumel. assisted in providing recommendations for places to film, things to do, provided contact to the local businesses that will be featured in the film and also assisted in recruiting cast members for the show. IslaMar Vacation Villas was also selected by Mr. Sorensen to host the film crew during their stay in Cozumel.
Visit for assistance with Cozumel vacation planning and travel assistance. Visit to reserve accommodations in Cozumel.