The creative team at Less is More Productions and Scorpio Rising Films has teamed with Brad Wyman's newly launched online financing platform, to produce their upcoming original dramedy pilot, "Myrna." Running from June 4, 2014 through July 3, 2014, their FanBacked financing drive at, intends to raise $25,000. This money will be used to create a half hour television pilot for distribution in the growing cable and premium serial market.
This groundbreaking television series will be the first television show centered around a transgender woman, played by award-winning transgender actress, Marlo Bernier, but it's not just about a "boy who is a girl," it's about the human connection and about how we all strive to live life as who we really are. Inspired by the real life experiences of the show's star and writer, Marlo Bernier, formally Mark Bernier (Angels in America, Cecil B DeMented), this half hour dramedy speaks with a voice yet to be heard on television. Bernier affirms, "with 'Myrna' we are seeking to elevate the public's understanding on the oft times misconstrued topic of transsexualism - it's time we stop depicting the sole image of transgender people in popular media as being relegated to the peripheries of society such as drug addicts and prostitutes." Myrna shows life day to day for a transgender woman in a way few other works have dared to do.Videos