Tiny House Nation, a new television show on A+E's FYI Network, has just released their first sneak-peek at the down-sized living movement that has been revolutionizing the country. The new show premieres tonight, July 9, 2014 at 10ET/11PT and will feature What Are You Waiting For? (Viva Editions 2014) author Kristen Moeller, a popular coach, author, TEDx speaker, and radio show host.
Moeller lost her home in a devastating Colorado wildfire in 2012, and decided to begin anew by downsizing her life and building a tiny cabin on her land. Tiny House Nation will follow the construction of her new home and the trend of tiny houses that is sweeping the United States. Each episode will feature a different family who has chosen the small and simple route of living, while exploring the psychology and change of extreme downsizing.
Kristen Moeller, MS, is a coach, speaker, author, and radio show host. She delights in "disrupting the ordinary" and inspiring others to do the same. Kristen first discovered her passion for personal development in 1989 after recovering from an eating disorder and addiction. After years of struggling with low self-esteem, she realized that recovery and joy is possible. Determined to provide this for others, Kristen immersed herself in the field of personal growth, earning a master's degree in mental health counseling, volunteering and working in treatment centers while continuing to train and develop herself. Now, a highly popular radio personality, TEDx speaker and author, Kristen Moeller is an in-demand workshopper and visionary dedicated to providing people with the tools they need to find and live their passion.
What Are You Waiting For?
Learn How to Rise to the Occasion of Your Life
After losing her dream home and all her worldly possessions to a raging and sudden wildfire that killed three people and demolished 21 homes, Kristen Moeller dove headfirst into an exploration of our cultural discomfort with grief, the existence of God, finding humor in the midst of tragedy-and what it means to be a human being with all our fabulousness as well as frailties. Through the sharing of authentic personal stories and profound life lessons, Kristen Moeller explores the pervasive human tendency to wait for life and to look outside ourselves for answers in her new book What Are You Waiting For? As Wayne Gretzky said, "You'll always miss one-hundred percent of the shots you don't take!" What Are You Waiting For? is also available as an audiobook.