Weekly theatre clip commentary and sketch show SMASH'd resumed weekly new episodes Friday, May 3rd on The STAGE Network. Created by and starring actor and comedian John Wascavage and co-written by Brandon Monokian ("Theatre Critic Trump", Happy Yummy Chicken), SMASH'd blends the whacky world of theatre and social media and is a show for every theatre nerd, beltress, screlter, and hashtag-obsessed #fansie and is currently streaming on The STAGE Network at https://www.watchstage.com/programs/smashd
The show debuted in March of 2019 and releases new episodes every Friday.
The STAGE Network is the first streaming network devoted to the entire world of theatre, featuring original series, films, live theatre, documentaries, reality shows, variety shows, talk shows, live concerts, and more.
For more information on SMASH'd be sure to follow on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and check out the show trailer:
The Stage Network: www.watchstage.com