With the upcoming season 8 premiere of NBC's hit comedy series, "The Office," this September, NBCUniversal Television Consumer Products Group and Running Press Book Publishers announced today the August 2nd release of The Office Kit, available in-store and online at nationwide booksellers. The kit will retail for $14.95. The deal was brokered by JTMG, the agency of record for NBC programming.
Honoring Dunder Mifflin's finest boss and brightest office staff, the kit features the following items:
· Michael Scott's "World's Best Boss" coffee mug
· Pam's Drawing of the Dunder Mifflin building
· Angela's Baby Jazz poster
· Dunder Mifflin notepad
· Dunder Mifflin mouse pad
· Schrute Farms Beet Seed and Vance Refrigeration magnets
· Schrute Buck
· 32-page full-color game collection
· "Over the past seven years, 'The Office' has delivered countless hysterical moments that have been commemorated by an assortment of fun products," said Kim Niemi, Senior Vice President, NBCUniversal Television Consumer Products Group. "The Office Kit is the perfect gift to either start or add to the collections of any passionate fan."
"The Office" returns to NBC for season 8 on September 22nd and airs Thursdays at 9-9:30 p.m. ET.