The Mane Show, hosted by international horror and genre film icon Tyler Mane (Halloween 1 and 2, X-Men, Troy), is winding down its successful first season with its final episode launching on YouTube Friday, March 4, 2011. The final episode will feature Tyler Mane and rocker Jeff Kendrick of DevilDriver as they tour the headquarters of ESP guitars.
One of the preeminent heavy metal bands touring today, DevilDriver has grown a huge international fan base over the course of releasing five hit albums on Roadrunner Records. During the show's final episode, Tyler will give fans a rare glimpse at the love and craftsmanship that goes into creating the latest custom-made guitars for six-string shredders such as Jeff Kendrick and Mike Spreitzer and other legendary guitarists.
The Mane Show plunges you into the behind-the-scenes world of Tyler Mane's dynamic circle of friends and is produced by Tyler's own Mane Entertainment production shingle. The show promises the viewer unfettered access to major players in the world of horror, heavy metal, action sports and other arenas where only the best, boldest and brightest rock stars, film gods, FX gurus and insane athletes preside.
Past episodes of The Mane Show were produced in conjunction with and featured guests including special effects genius Wayne Toth (Transformers, Spawn) and prolific character actor Daniel Roebuck (Lost, Glee). Future episodes will feature guests including Jason Charles Miller - musical genius behind the band Godhead (and voice to several characters in World of Warcraft), Kyle Loza (X Games Gold Medalist), and a tour of Red Monkey Design, where they craft rocking leather gear for major films and artists including Zak Wylde and Slash.
The Mane Show has been developed to showcase Tyler Mane's diverse range of creative interests across a wide range of media platforms. Tyler commented, "This project is not just a labor of love, but also embodies my desire to expand creatively and strategically by branching out from my success in traditional media and demonstrating my intent to embrace online media as the future." Reinforcing this objective, the season finale of The Mane Show will arrive fresh on the heels of successfully launching another transmedia project based on the upcoming horror comic Chopper ( [warning: graphic content]).
Link for The Mane Show's Season #1 finale:
Stay tuned for more announcements about launching Season #2 of The Mane Show with new guests, new distribution partner, new sponsors and a whole new attitude!