TELEMUNDO's highly-rated Sunday night reality show "La Voz Kids," kicks off castings for its fourth season. The search for aspiring young voices between the ages of seven and 15 will take place across the U.S. and Puerto Rico, starting Wednesday, September 9th through Saturday, October 17th, and online at
San Jose, CA -
September 9, 2015
Los Angeles, CA -
September 12, 2015
Fresno, CA -
September 16, 2015
Las Vegas, NV -
September 19, 2015
Phoenix, AZ -
September 23, 2015
Houston, TX -
September 26, 2015
San Antonio, TX -
September 30, 2015
Dallas, TX - October 3, 2015
Chicago, IL - October 7, 2015
New York, NY - October 10, 2015
San Juan, PR - October 14, 2015
Miami, FL - October 17, 2015
For more details and instructions on how to register for the opportunity to audition for "La Voz Kids," visit Only the parent or legal guardian of a potential contestant may enter the registration site and complete and submit the required forms on behalf of their child.
AUDITION ONLINE - If contestant is unable to make it to one of the cities listed above, you can create a video submission on
For more information, interested parties may send an email to, call 855-VOZ-KIDS or visit
"La Voz Kids" is a presentation of Talpa Media
USA Inc., created by John de Mol.
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