In an unprecedented event that will combine the power of television and social media, Telemundo has partnered with Facebook to announce the nominees for the fourth annual "Premios Tu Mundo" (Your World Awards) live from the set of its "Un Nuevo Dia" morning show, and from Facebook's Miami office.
The 4thedition of the awards celebration, which honors actors, singers and TV moments as voted by fans through a selection process that combines the power of television, web, mobile and social media platforms will broadcast live on Thursday, August 20th at 8PM/7c, from the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida.
The 2015 nominees for Premios Tu Mundo will be announced on Thursday, July 23rd starting at 8AM/ET on TELEMUNDO's Morning show "Un Nuevo Día" &
The cast of "Un Nuevo Día" Adamari Lopez, Ana Maria Canseco, Rashel Díaz, Daniel Sarcos and Diego Schoening, plus special guests including Gaby Espino will appear on the telecast.
DETAILS: The complete list of nominees can be found at
Fans can be part of the action by following @PremiosTuMundo across Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Periscope, Meerkat, and joining the conversation using #PremiosTuMundo.
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