Telemundo presents a new biopic series, EL CESAR, an extraordinary dramatic production that follows the life of the Mexican idol and world boxing champion, Julio Cesar Chávez. Featuring a stellar cast including actor Armando Hernandez as the boxing idol, the series premieres Tuesday, November 7 at 8pm/7c. As a prelude, the U.S. Hispanic network will air at 7pm/6c "Sin Filtros" (Without Filters), a special produced in Tijuana, Mexico featuring the real boxing legend, who exclusively shares everything about his life, his career, his family, his failures and learnings, as never seen before.
"El César," an exciting series that follows the stormy life inside and outside the ring of the Mexican Champion Julio Cesar Chavez, walks the difficult journey that will turn him into a legend. For 13 years, 11 months and 14 days, Chavez remained undefeated at the height of popular fervor and had it all: family, fame, money and legions of fans. However, as he climbs to the top the harder he falls. His access to a world of privilege and excess also led him down a dark path that would ultimately trigger his demise. Substance abuse and addiction, run-ins with drug cartels, affairs with Hollywood stars and associations with politicians and others in power slowly chipped away at his career and almost ended his life.Videos