Deadline reports Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi will helm Time Bandits, the TV series adaptation of the beloved Terry Gilliam-directed movie currently in development at Apple.
Waititi will co-write and direct the pilot for the potential series, as well as executive producing with Gilliam and Dan Halsted.
Gilliam's Time Bandits (1981) follows the time-traveling adventures of an 11-year-old history buff named Kevin who, one night, stumbles on six dwarfs who emerge from his closet. They are former workers of the Supreme Being who have stolen a map that charts all the holes in the space-time fabric, using it to hop from one historical era to the next in order to steal riches. Throughout the movie, they meet various historical and fictional characters, including Napoleon Bonaparte and Robin Hood, while the Supreme Being simultaneously tries to catch up to them and retrieve the map.
Waititi will be a director for Disney+'s upcoming Star Wars series, The Mandalorian His next feature film Jojo Rabbit, comes out this fall.
Read the original story on Deadline.