TNT has greenlit Cold Justice (Working Title) a new unscripted procedural drama that follows two top-notch female investigators as they dig into murder cases that have lingered for years without answers and closure. The network has ordered eight episodes of Cold Justice, which comes to TNT from Wolf Films and Magical Elves. Cold Justice is executive-produced by Emmy(R) winners Dick Wolf (Law & Order, Chicago Fire), Dan Cutforth & Jane Lipsitz (Top Chef, Fashion Star) and Tom Thayer (Hitchcock, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee).
In small towns across America, cases involving violent crimes can often go cold because of a lack of funding, resources and state-of-the-art forensic technology. With the right resources, though, many of these cold cases can be re-opened and solved, bringing dangerous criminals to justice and providing closure for the families of their victims.In TNT's Cold Justice, Kelly Siegler, a Texas prosecutor for 21 years who has successfully tried 68 murder cases, and Yolanda McClary, a crime scene investigator who worked more than 7,000 cases in her 26 years on the Las Vegas Police Department, are putting their vast knowledge and experience to work helping local law-enforcement officers and families of violent-crime victims get to the truth. With a fresh set of eyes on old evidence, superior interrogation skills and access to advanced DNA technology and lab testing, Siegler and McClary are determined to bring about a legal and emotional resolution. Taking on a different unsolved crime each week, they will carefully re-examine evidence, question suspects and witnesses, and chase down leads in order to solve cases that would have otherwise remained cold indefinitely.Videos