THE WILLIS FAMILY brings their musical talents to TLC in a thirteen-episode series following their life at home and on the road. THE WILLIS FAMILY (wt), set to premiere tonight, May 5th at 10/9c, will follow Brenda and Toby Willis as they share the challenge of maintaining their large, fourteen-member family while keeping up with the workload required to manage their touring band.
The family, hailing from just outside of Nashville, was thrust into the limelight after making it to the final rounds of America's Got Talent, where everyone fell in love with their music and original sound; the Youtube video from their national performance alone has garnered more than 6 million views. Throughout the series, viewers will get an inside look into their lives as they travel the country sharing their talents and balancing a life at home. In one episode, Brenda gears up for her birthday, but with mountains of laundry piling up and meal-planning for fourteen getting in the way, her special day seemingly gets put on the backburner. That's when her kids, led by the eldest siblings Jeremiah and Jessica, step in to make sure it is a birthday she won't soon forget. Jessica, with the help of her brothers and sisters, composes an original song, "Mama," that brings the whole family to tears. Later they sing the song at the Grand Ole Opry, a legendary stage where they frequently perform. In the same episode, the family also heads to a local library for an intimate concert to raise money for a community charity.Videos