"The Real," the one-hour daily talk show, hosted by a dynamic team of Tamar Braxton, Loni Love, Adrienne Bailon, Jeannie Mai and Tamera Mowry-Housley, has been cleared in over 70% of the country, following an incredibly successful four-week summer test on select Fox-owned stations. The announcement was made today by Ken Werner, President, and Rick Meril, Executive Vice President & General Sales Manager, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution.
The series has been bought by select stations from the COX, Sinclair, Gannett, Local TV, Meredith, Raycom, Media General, Gray, Sunbeam, Griffin and Schurz groups. The series will also launch on all of the Fox-owned Television Stations, as previously announced.
"The Real" enjoyed an incredibly successful four-week, seven market test in summer 2013 on the Fox-owned stations in New York (WNYW), Los Angeles (KTTV), Washington D.C. (WTTG), Philadelphia (WTXF), Phoenix (KSAZ), Houston (KRIV) and Tampa (WTVT). Across all seven markets, "The Real" proved to be a strong recruiter, improving at least +2 share points over its lead-in among all Women demos, growing +50% over the May '13 time period share among Women 18-49 and +40% among W25-54.
"Our traditional station partners have joined the FOX Stations in embracing all of the excitement that is 'The Real,'" said Werner. "This year, more so than in most, there are limited opportunities for new shows and we are thrilled stations have selected 'The Real' as their choice."
"The Real" will originate from Los Angeles, CA, produced by Telepictures Productions and distributed by Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution.