The 2018 Los Angeles Animation Festival has awarded writer/director John Meyer with the Best Story award for The Magical Mystery of Musigny.
In The Magical Mystery of Musigny, John discovers the power of Burgundy, but has a hard time convincing his wife. Until one day...
Beginning as a songwriter, John Meyer wrote special comedy material for Lily Tomlin, Madeline Kahn and Joan Rivers. He can even list Judy Garland as one of his interpreters (she performed his number "I'd Like to Hate Myself in the Morning" on the Tonight Show in 1968). From this base, John expanded his skills to Memoirs (Heartbreaker, 1983, Doubleday), musicals (The BETRAYAL of Nora Blake, Jermyn Street Theatre, London, 1998), film (Not for Publication, 1984) and TV (The Amazing Stories episode, "Gershwin's Trunk", 1986, produced by Steven Spielberg). The Magical Mystery of Musigny marks his first experience as Writer/Director of an animated film.
Writer/director John Meyer and animator Emmett Goodman.
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