Marking its first original primetime animated series under the network's new brand, TBS has greenlit TARANTULA, a half-hour comedy about the residents of the Tierra Chula Resident Hotel (aka "The Tarantula"). The series centers on Echo Johnson, a respected but uncertified tattoo artist who delivers absurd yet introspective monologues. Echo's poetic ramblings spin tales of misadventures with the other residents, as they partake in party crashing, dumpster diving and other socially dubious acts of mischief.
TBS, a division of Turner, is basic cable's #1 network with young adults and home to a growing slate of bold, original comedy series, including four of the year's Top 10 new comedies on cable: Wrecked (#1),The Detour (#2), Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and Angie Tribeca. Upcoming comedies includeSearch Party and People of Earth. The network also presents exciting competition series, such asSeparation Anxiety, and late-night comedy in the form of CONAN, starring CONAN O'Brien, and Full Frontal with Samantha Bee. In addition, the TBS lineup includes popular comedy hits like Family Guy,The Big Bang Theory and 2 Broke Girls; blockbuster movies; and live coverage of Major League Baseball's regular and post-season play, the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship and the brand new eSports gaming league. TBS is available across multiple platforms in more than 93 million U.S. households.
Turner, a Time Warner company, creates and programs branded news, entertainment, sports, animation and young adult multi-platform content for consumers around the world. Turner brands and businesses include CNN/U.S., HLN, CNN International and, TBS, TNT, TCM, truTV, Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Adult Swim, Turner Sports, Bleacher Report, iStreamPlanet and ELEAGUE.