T-Shirt Theatre proudly announces the premiere of "T-Shirt Theatre presents: K?puka," a feature-length documentary making its world premiere at the Hawaii International Film Festival in November. "T-Shirt Theatre presents: K?puka" is an anti-bullying project that addresses bullying, cyberbullying, and teen suicide prevention - written and performed by the students (aged 13-18) at T-Shirt Theatre, a performing company based in Farrington High School. Their stories, which are performed live in front of over 1,200 of their peers in a packed Farrington High School auditorium, are drawn from personal life experiences and are 100% original.
Directed and produced by T-Shirt Theatre alum Jeremiah Tayao, the documentary is a behind the scenes look at the program and gives insight into how the lives of its participants are changed. The film is an extension of the ongoing "K?puka" project that takes on a variety of perspectives on bullying like cyber-bullying, self-bullying, being a bystander to bullying, confronting abusive relationships, and even taking the bully's perspective. "K?puka" demonstrates how positive safe spaces and influences like family and community can help counteract the effects of bullying.
Founded by George Kon and the late Walt Dulaney in 1985 at Farrington High School, T-Shirt Theatre has long been a k?puka itself for many generations of students, deep in the heart of Kalihi, O?ahu. In the story, rehearsal, and performance process, the students are taught to rehearse for life - acquiring important life skills that they will be able to apply to life BEYOND the stage.
The screenings are Saturday, November 10th at 1:15 p.m. and Monday, November 12th at 2:45 p.m. and are both at Regal Cinemas Dole Cannery 18. There will be a Q&A with Jeremiah Tayao and some of the members of the T-Shirt Theatre following both screenings.