Syfy, the destination for high-concept, boundary-pushing genre entertainment, announced today it will begin production on the pilot of High Moon, an adaptation of John Christopher's best-selling novel The Lotus Caves. Along with a creative team featuring Bryan Fuller (Hannibal, Pushing Daisies) and Jim Danger Gray (Pushing Daisies, Hannibal), Universal Cable Productions will serve as the studio.
Said Mark Stern, President, Original Content, Syfy, and Co-Head, Original Content, Universal Cable Productions: "In the hands of visionary Bryan Fuller and this outstanding production team, High Moon will be an imaginative, groundbreaking story featuring complex characters in a high-stakes drama. This represents our commitment to quality programming that redefines the genre and we're excited to begin production."High Moon is an imaginative, out-of-this-world series exploring what happens when the countries of Earth establish colonies to mine the Moon's resources and discover a new form of life. Chaos erupts in a genuinely emotional, humorously thrilling and always unexpected fashion as the people of the Moon race to uncover this life form's powerful secrets. Co-executive producer/writer: Jim Danger Gray (Pushing Daisies). Executive producer/writer: Bryan Fuller (Hannibal, Pushing Daisies). The pilot is written by Gray from a story by Fuller and Gray. Executive producers: Cary Granat & Steve Granat of Reel FX and Don Murphy & Susan Montford of Angry Films (Real Steel, Transformers). Studio: UCP.Videos