For the first time since the shocking sex abuse Scandal rockEd Penn State's football program, Sue Paterno sits down with Katie Couric for an exclusive interview that will broadcast on Couric's nationally Syndicated daytime talk show, "Katie." Couric visited the widow of former Penn State coach Joe Paterno at her home, and will host Mrs. Paterno in-studio for her first conversation since the Scandal broke and since she lost her beloved husband of 50 years. Joe Paterno passed away just two months after the Scandal was exposed, leaving behind his wife and family, and many unanswered questions about what he knew and did not know.
Mrs. Paterno will appear in an episode scheduled to air on Monday, February 11."Katie" is executive-produced by Katie Couric and Michael Morrison and is distributed by Disney-ABC Domestic Television. Co-executive producers are Kathy Samuels and Michael Bass and the program is directed by Joseph Terry.