Following the historic reelection of President Barack Obama and marriage equality advancing in four more states, QC Cinema is proud to announce that the January 29th DVD release of Matthew Smith's OUT IN THE OPEN ($24.99), a documentary comprised of a collection of interviews with successful figures who openly identify with their sexual orientation. CEO Richard Wolff and Real Stream Productions' Ben Milliken closed a deal for the release at the American Film Market.
This documentary targets at-risk youth across the world, as well as their families, friends, and teachers. Out in the Open presents that no single person is the same and that all people should be celebrated. Out in the Open interviews celebrities, politicians, and everyday allies, straight and gay, who openly celebrate the LGBTQ community. These figures will discuss how they coped with stereotypes attached to their sexual orientation by sharing personal experiences of coming to terms with their sexuality.
Featured in Out in the Open are gay and allied celebrities such as "Queer Eyes" star Carson Cressley, Oscar nominee
Eric Roberts and his wife Eliza, Olympic gold medal diver and activist
Greg Louganis, Broadway star
Josh Strickland, and musician Keaton Simons among others. These figures will discuss how they coped with stereotypes attached to their sexual orientation by sharing personal experiences of coming to terms with their sexuality. Out in the Open is aimed to guide the LGBTQ youth who struggle with bullying, ostracism and suicide in their communities.
Real Stream teamed up with Outset, an Outfest/Lifeworks program that offers at-risk LGBT youth an intensive course in filmmaking. Providing them with mentors who take the youth through a crash course, teaching them all there is to know about the art of film. By the end of the program, the students have shot their own short films from concept to screen, and premiered them at Outfest. Real Stream was there to document this process, and capture their stories for inclusion in Out in the Open.
Breaking Glass Co-President
Richard Ross said, ""It is a pleasure to start 2013 with
Matthew Smith's amazing documentary Out in the Open. As the country moves further and further away from any sort of closet, the film celebrates acceptance and empowerment for everyone."
The DVD will arrive complete a director's commentary, deleted scenes, bloopers, behind the scenes footage and much more.
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