Oprah talks with prolific film and television producer Brian Grazer ("Empire") about maintaining our CURIOSITY and how we can all benefit from this practice on an all-new episode of "Super Soul Sunday" airing today, April 19 at 11a.m. ET/PT on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network.
To watch a sneak peek of the episode, click here Producer Brian Grazer on the "Empire" Phenomenon: "It Was Explosive" - click here to watchHow Brian Grazer and Ron Howard Created Their Dream Jobs - click here to watch
Brian Grazer's Secret of Success: Meet One New Person Each Day - click here to watch About "Super Soul Sunday" - Oscar-Winning Producer Brian Grazer on the Power of Curiosity Oprah sits down with prolific film and television producer Brian Grazer for a conversation about expanding our curiosity, a trait he attributes to his success and says should be as much a part of our culture as creativity and innovation. In the conversation, Oprah and Brian discuss what he calls "curiosity conversations," a decision he made early on in his career that he would seek out conversations with interesting people he was curious about, and how we all can benefit from this practice of stepping outside our comfort zone.Brian co-founded the film and television production company Imagine Entertainment with Ron Howard in 1986, won the Best Picture Academy Award for "A Beautiful Mind" in 2002, and was named one of Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World" in 2007. They also discuss his recent book "A Curious Mind: The Secret To A Bigger Life." Plus, Brian shares tips on how to optimize your CURIOSITY in order to live more satisfying, connected and soulful lives.
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