In an unprecedented move, President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey while being investigated for a possible collaboration with Russia to meddle in the 2016 presidential election. Directed by Emmy-winning director Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side), the feature-length finale of SHOWTIME's documentary series ENEMIES: THE PRESIDENT, JUSTICE & THE FBI on Sunday, December 9 at 8 p.m. ET/PT analyzes the chain of events set in motion by Comey's firing, including Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation.
Looking at the months from Election Day to the day Comey is fired, the finale analyzes the one-on-one meetings and calls between the President and Comey, and the escalating Russia investigation, to reveal how the pillars of democracy are being tested. Comey's firing triggers the appointment of a Special Counsel investigation led by Robert Mueller, a respected former FBI director, who must now carry the torch of justice.
Inspired by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tim Weiner's book, ENEMIES: A HISTORY OF THE FBI, the series presents the long, complex history of presidents testing the rule of law and the FBI's job to enforce it. From Nixon and Hoover to Trump and Comey, each battle illuminates a different facet of our democracy and the rule of law.
ENEMIES: THE PRESIDENT, JUSTICE & THE FBI is produced by Jigsaw Productions for SHOWTIME. Alex Gibney, Stacey Offman and Richard Perello are executive producers for Jigsaw Productions. Sarah Dowland serves as showrunner and executive producer.