Stryngs, a short film written and directed by Dallas filmmaker Derek Presley, will be screened at the 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival - Court Métrage (Short Film Corner) beginning May 15th to May 26th.
Starring Grant James (Tombstone), this fantastical tale follows Ambrosio The Great, an aging puppeteer who's dying to perform one last show. The film unfolds beautifully and paints a compelling portrait of loneliness, hope, and the longing to leave a legacy.
Award-winning filmmaker, Geoff McGee, produced the film. His previous short film, NEAL has screened at many U.S. and international film festivals, including SXSW 2011. "The invitation to attend this prestigious film festival is very rewarding because Stryngs represents what an artist goes through for their art," said McGee. "We shot on 35-mm film to challenge ourselves to work harder for our art form and we've created something I'm extremely proud of as a filmmaker."
"The story of Ambrosio the Great came to me as I was thinking of how we, as humans with a limited life, could actually live forever through our art," said Presley. "We become immortal because we are deeply ingrained into future generation's minds through our artistry, books, paintings, and movies. In Ambrosio's situation, he will live infinitely through his puppet shows."
SpiderCircle Films is an award-winning Texas Production Company that is owned and operated by independent filmmaker Geoff McGee. His expertise in filmmaking is derived from his education at the University of Texas at Arlington, and while working for industry leaders such as Panavision, Cinelease, and independent film productions. For more information, visit: