With the debut of "The Taste" and the series finale of "Private Practice," ABC won Tuesday in Adults 18-49 (1.9/5), leading by double digits over NBC (+19% - 1.6/4), FOX (+19% - 1.6/4) and CBS (+27% - 1.5/4).
"The Taste" (8:00-10:00 p.m.)
ABC's "The Taste" opened a strong No. 1 from 8:00-10:00 p.m. among Adults 18-49 (2.2/6), beating original comedy programming on FOX by 38% (1.6/4) and NBC by 47% (1.5/4). In fact it was Tuesday's top-rated TV show, ranking No. 1 in each half hour and gaining young adult audience throughout its premiere. "The Taste" earned ABC's strongest non-sports Adult 18-49 rating in the 2-hour slot since November (since 11/27/12) and was up over the "Dancing" premiere in September (2.1/6 on 9/25/12).